WPSApp Pro will be a special application that can help you check the security suite of wifi straightforwardly. If you are having different problems with your wifi and want to own a particular wifi test app, this application will definitely be the answer for you. Coming to this application, users will easily check the network’s security to have the best use options.
It is possible that users who use this application already know the name WPSApp – a free version from the same manufacturer. The fact that the manufacturer gives its users a Pro version along with a paid fee will certainly have its own unique features. The free version often comes with one problem that all apps have: ads because ads keep the app’s system going. But when users use this version, all advertising content will be deleted.
With the introduction of the application manufacturer, WPSApp Pro will use the WPS protocol to be able to check the network status. So, what is actually the WPS protocol? Explain in simple terms that this protocol allows you to connect to a wifi network using a commonly predefined 8-digit pin number in the router. But the problem is that the pin number of many routers from different companies is known or knows how to calculate it.
After obtaining preliminary information, users will often wonder about the main operation of the application to be able to grasp the most accurate way. The application will try to be able to connect and test your network through these pins. The application on the system has created all usage operations, and the user experience will be effortless. At the same time, the application allows you to analyze the quality of wifi channels, view wifi passwords stored on the device, and scan for devices connected to your network.
After the application has successfully performed special operations in the system, users will often receive special symbols for each different network. The first case that a network type will likely encounter is the red slash. This header indicates that this is a very secure network because they have disabled the WPS protocol and cannot determine the default password.
In addition, users will also encounter cases where the application announces your network with a question mark. So what is the question mark symbol, and what will the meaning of this symbol be? Networks with this symbol usually have the WPS protocol enabled, but the pin code is unknown. And in this case, the application that allows you to check the most popular.
The last thing to mention will be the cases where WPSApp Pro will give its users a green checkmark. Usually, this will be a correct notation and bring joy to the user, but in this case, it will have a rather bad connotation. Networks with a green checkmark are most likely vulnerable, have the WPS protocol enabled, and the pins are known, or the router has WPS turned off, but the password is known.