LunaM: My tells an exciting story about angels trying to protect precious stones in a beautiful kingdom. This is a role-playing game with unique action elements; players will play the role of an angel. The task of all angels is to fight with other races to find more powerful stones. The game will take place on many different levels, and each level will show a unique aspect.
The angels in the kingdom have a special mission to protect the mighty stones. These stones are the ones that the gods have kept for a long time. And more specifically, if you want this kingdom to be safe, the only thing you can do is protect those gems. Each stone represents power and, when combined, will create a mystical power. It is these stones that create all the living power for your kingdom.
Other races are trying to rob your kingdom. You and your teammates must join the fight to protect those powerful stones. This war is a war between races to find the winner. Each person in your group will play a role, and more specifically, each person will protect a stone. Must fight together to have a chance to win against opponents in LunaM: My.
LunaM: My always creates situations for collecting and obtaining power stones. In addition to the task of fighting with other races, you and your teammates also have to find powerful stones. When adding a power stone, everyone’s strength will be increased. Most interestingly, these powerful stones will help you get the kingdom of the other races.
New costumes will be provided by LunaM: My for you and your teammates. Each new outfit will create a heavenly atmosphere, and now angels like you can exert their strength. More specifically, the game will provide you with more powerful weapons such as transformation techniques, remote shooting weapons, … Each offer is also a special favor for you to aim at and complete the challenges that the game offers.